Posted June 6, 2017 at 12:00 am

Hue, I'm so sorry I've slapped you so much and shot you that one time.  It's for the good of the plot, I promise!

Anyway, now you can be one of the cool kids and join us on the Trying Human Discord Server!  For those of you not in the know (like I was) Discord is similar to Skype but allows for a more... options.  That sounds way more creepy than it is.

AN-Y-WAY, you can get Discord here:

And join the TH server here:

AND add me as your friend with my username here: IntroducingEmy#5453

We're really chill in there and you can talk directly to my face.  TO MY FACE.  <3

Posted April 25, 2017 at 12:00 am

I'm happy to announce that nearly all the Kickstarter rewards have been sent out so we're finally listing books and other goodies in the shop.  Please check them out here:  I also updated the look of the store to be more in line with the rest of the Trying Human site.  We're still figuring out the stock on a few of our items, mainly the lenticular bookmarks, pins, and Volume 1 hardbacks, but hopefully we'll have them sorted out in the next week or two.  I like to keep some extras around for the first month or so after the Kickstarter rewards are sent out in case anything gets damaged in transit.  <3

Posted April 11, 2017 at 12:00 am

This page is huge but I wanted to show it all together before I cut it apart into its two seperate pages in a few days.

The Trying Human Volume 2 books have arrived and I'm taking preorders!  They'll begin shipping for everyone on May 1st.  Plus, I gave the store a huge makeover! Check it out:

Posted March 28, 2017 at 12:00 am

On April 3 (a week from this update) I'm going to be recieving all the Trying Human Volume 2 books from the manufacturer.  To deal with the stress of getting, organizing, and shipping the books to the Kickstarter folks, I'll be skipping the update on April 4th.  HOWEVER, on April 11th I'll be back with two pages.  I know this is the worst place to skip an update but I'll explode otherwise.  Plz, don't make let Emy explode. :(

PS - My YouTube series, Redline Tuesday, is back in action!  Check it out here:

Posted January 11, 2017 at 07:25 pm

I get that tips and flowers don't work like that but for Quazky: they do.  Sorry this page is a day late! It was even later for my Patreon folks and I'm cramming art down their throats right now to make up for it. ;n;

Over the weekend, I upload two new print collections to my store.  One is from Trying Human and the other is some of my favorite art from my horror art collection, EMpathY.  Click on the images to go check out the individual print packages!


Posted January 3, 2017 at 02:39 pm


Hey guys! You've probably noticed but there's no update today. I took my holiday break over the past week and pretty much just focused on commissions and personal projects.


This week the update will be posted on Thursday for the Patreon folks (as usual) and then the following Tuesday things will resume as normal.


I received the first set of proofs for Trying Human Volume 2 from my publishing house and I'm super excited to go over them. The final books are due to arrive some time in late February.


Thank you for your out-of-this-world patience with Trying Human and me. I hope we have lots of ufology fueled fun in the coming year.


To help support my work please consider my Patreon:


To follow Trying Human related updates:


To just follow my random art and day to day existence:

Posted November 5, 2016 at 05:59 pm

Hi my star children! Sorry this is a few days late after my hiatus. I think I went a little nuts on the detail on this page (I always do on scene setup... =A=; ).

Anyway, I'm back from Japan and I had a wonderful time! I visited some friends and temples and basically just smoozed around rural Japan for 10 days. Yay!

Before I left, I finished Volume 2 for print. All that's left is the cover, species guide, and some extra material in the back. I'm so so SOOOO excited! :D  I'll have some more details on that soon.

Posted October 4, 2016 at 05:56 pm

Starting today (October 4th) until when I get back from Japan (November 3rd) I'm going to be on hiatus from updating Trying Human. There's a big scene about to start and I'm not sure if I'm going to have time to dedicate it while I finish the second book. I only have 10 8 pages, a book cover, and a bit of supplemental art to get ready for Volume 2 so I'm hoping to have that all done before I go to Japan. That way, while I'm in Japan, the book can go to the printers and I can start shipping them out in November. I hope that all makes sense. Thanks for sticking with me. <3

PS - I'm also taking this hiatus to focus on Inktober on my Twitter and my art Tumblr.  Please follow me on those accounts to keep up to date!

Posted September 20, 2016 at 09:59 am

Sorry I'm always so quiet on my news posts but to be honest, I never have that much going on other than keeping my head down and working on the comic.  I'm still around, alive and kicking.

At the end of October (the 23rd, I believe), I'll be heading to Japan for 10 days to visit friends and see some of the temples my husband did his monk training at.  I'll probably also be painting and drawing along the way. =u=;  Soooo for those 10 days things will be a little quiet from me but during that time Trying Human Volume 2 will be going into production and printing.  I'm very excited for that!

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