Posted April 17, 2018 at 11:21 pm

So it’s finally happening! We’re moving back to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania from Southern California. I’m really excited since it’s been nearly 10 years since I’ve lived in Pennsylvania. It’s where I grew up so it’ll be a familiar homecoming.

What does this mean for Trying Human? Not much except that there won’t be any updates between April 24 and May 15. The Trying Human Storenvy store [] will also be in vacation mode during that time. That means you can still make orders but they won’t be filled until the week of May 8th. There will be a banner displayed at the top of the store with the vacation mode begins. We also have to get a new post office box so please don’t send anything to the old California address.

After we get settled back in (and I get another car), I plan to make myself a fixture in the Steel City Con [] artist alley (formally known as the Pittsburgh Comicon). I did their artist alley and sketch charity event once before on one of my many excursions back and really enjoyed myself. I also like that they run it multiple times a year so anyone on the east coast has lots of chances to bump into me there! :D

Thanks for sticking with me and the comic during this time. 

Posted March 7, 2018 at 01:14 pm
Just as a reminder, you can still buy Trying Human Volume 1 (Chapters 1 through 4) and Volume 2 (Chapters 5 through 8) via our shop: The books come with concept art, species guides (Greys and Reptoids respectively), and the option to be signed by me. :B There's also a bunch of prints, bookmarks, and other comics by me in there as well. NEAT.

If you've been thinking about picking up anything from the store, this is a great time to do it as we'll be moving soon and we're trying to cut back on our stock as much as possible. We ship all of our merch worldwide too!
Posted January 30, 2018 at 10:28 am
Near the end of March or the beginning of April I'll be moving from California to Pennsylvania.  It'll probably take me a good two weeks to get settled in and get back to work on Trying Human.  I don't have exact dates right now but I'll keep everyone posted as soon as I know more.

This site has gone through a refurbishment on the back end and you may notice some slight issues (missing graphics, strange looking pages, etc.)  To fix these issues, please perform a hard refresh on your browser by hitting ctrl+f5 or apple+f5.  If you're still having issues, please email me at and I'll look into it.  Thank you again for your patience!
Posted December 19, 2017 at 12:00 am

Longus, my hopeful boi. ;u; SO this is my last comic update for 2017. I'm going to be spending the rest of the month in Pennsylvania with friends and family. I won't be available to answer questions, comments, emails, etc. until at least the 29th.

The next update will be on January 9th, 2018 and we'll be starting off with Rose, Hue, and Quazky checking out that Nordic!

Have a wonderful rest of the year, lovelies! :3

Posted December 5, 2017 at 12:00 am

See the new tiers and support the comic on Patreon!

Since we’re almost upon the 10th year of Trying Human, I thought it was time to really reassess how this comic is going to continue to operate until the end and how I can continue to afford to operate it.

I’ve reshuffled some of the reward tiers with either slightly higher or lower prices.  I’ve also added a bunch of new rewards (NSFW art, monthly commissions, access to sketches etc.) so please take a look at those.  I did away the $3 tier since it was my least used but the rewards are still available.

I’m hoping that not only will this support TH but also add a variety to what I’m drawing since I know aliens, ufos, and high strangeness can get a little boring.  As always this comic is free to read with new pages every Tuesday on!  Thank you for your continued support!

Posted November 7, 2017 at 08:16 am

This is actually a two page spread but it's hard to tell when it's cropped down like it is above.  Here's both pages side by side:

Posted October 31, 2017 at 12:00 am

First off, Happy Halloween!

This week I'm skipping today's update while I get everything ready for the next scene (Brevis YEE!) and get caught up on other non-TH art work.

The next update will be up this Thursday, November 2, with another update on the following Tuesday and then continuing on from there as normal.  Sorry for the delay~

Posted September 19, 2017 at 12:46 am

Page 800 is upon us!  Other than marking the scene transition from past to present, it's also a pretty big milestone for the comic.  Also, if you do the math, I put out about 80 new pages a year.  I don't know how many that is with the redos and covers included.

Not to mention all the other comics, commissions, and fun art on the side... I need a vacation.  Heh.  =x=;

Posted September 6, 2017 at 12:48 pm

In preparation for a third Trying Human artbook, I’m clearing out a lot of my physical stock and making eBook copies of the rest.  Please check out the links below!



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